Author • Entrepreneur • Artist • Marketer • Musician

It is my mission to completely empower my clients, friends and family to think “outside the box” so that we may continue towards success & excellence.

Because that is exactly what we ALL deserve!

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cj hallock

CJ Hallock

Welcome to the padded room I call my home online.  This is where I share my thoughts and journey in life and offer a few cool things.

I have a few massive passions in my life. To be exact there are three passions that drive me.


Professionally, I have been in the marketing space for years. I've been building websites for over 20 years, marketing online for over 15 years, and I'm sharing all of my resources, tools, secrets and more via BuiltByPro™. It is a complete hub that I am dumping my templates, knowledge and experience into.


One of my earliest memories is watching my dad play music. I've listened to my great grandfather sing. My grandfather on the other side of my family put out a vinyl years ago! So needless to say, music is in my blood. I pour my heart and soul into my music. Follow along my musical journey via LockOnTheMic™.


I've hit many lows in my life. There were a few people who continued to show up and guide me in the right direction. After my lowest in 2022 I was introduced to a mindset that has since changed my life and those lessons I try to share when I can and collected the important onces in a book called Stay Boosted™!

As I have been building my businesses and brands over the years there are a ton of stuff that I wish I would’ve shared with you all. After seeing the things that I missed out of giving you all or telling you all about over the years I decided to restructure my blog series “Daily Hustle Report