Elevator Pitch in 60 Seconds (Explaining Your Business In Under A Minute)
When you are starting a business, you need to know how to explain it. The old example is “if you are in an elevator you should be able to explain your business in 60 seconds”
When you are starting a business, you need to know how to explain it. The old example is “if you are in an elevator you should be able to explain your business in 60 seconds”
Hiring an SEO firm isn’t always a good idea. Before you know if you should, you need to understand what SEO is. You should also get educated on the terminology so you are not sold things that you do not use.
Permalinks are one of those things that if you skip it in the beginning, it could cost you hours later on. Be sure to have your permalink settings done right from the start!
Your sitemap is basically the road map you give Google so they know how to navigate through your website. Without one, search engines may not know your interior pages exist.
So you have a WordPress website for your business, or maybe a blog. The thing you need to know is the difference between WordPress Pages and Posts.
Sometimes you may want to add a user for a partner or editor. Other times you may have a user account that doesn’t need to have access to your dashboard … follow along and learn how to create and delete WordPress users
Hi! I’m CJ Hallock and this is my online home. I use this to share different aspects of my life from the website design services that I offer, to my day to day life and journey.
This is also where I share my knowledge via tutorials for website design with WordPress, search engine optimization, social media marketing and more.
Connect with me here, or across my social media profiles listed below.
I need to pay my bills too! So if you happen to click on any links on my website I may or may not receive compensation. I am an affiliate, partner, or owner of many different brands including Tony Robbins, HostYak, Distrokid, Elementor Page Builder and much more.
Website Design • Social Media • Search Engine Optimization Johnson City • Jonesborough • Kingsport • Bristol