Dropbox Direct Download Link (Use Dropbox For Image & File Hosting)

Did you know you can create a Dropbox direct download link? If you have ever heard of Dropbox, you know it is an amazing "cloud storage" service. But, did you know that you can use a direct link from them so you can use them for file hosting. It'll make sense in a little bit...
dropbox direct link

A Dropbox direct download link can help you share files a lot easier.

I’ve used Dropbox for “Online File Storage” for a while but I just recently found something awesome!

If you are like me and have .pdf’s, .zip’s, or .psd’s that you want to give to your readers there is a big problem. Uploading “bribe” files for constant downloads can bog down your server.

If you can keep the bandwidth on your server low, do it!

So with this new trick, I can store files like those in the “Template Library” on dropbox. Then with a small change to the file link, you can have an actual direct link to the file without any Dropbox branding or anything like that.

Dropbox Direct Download Link

In order to get your direct link, you have to have the “share link” from Dropbox. When you are viewing a file on Dropbox click on the blue “Share” button. This will open up a pop-up with the “share” options.

At the bottom of this window click on “Create Link”.

After you do that you will have the Dropbox “Share Link”.

For example, the website/app icon photoshop template “Share Link” looks like this …


This will show the Dropbox logo and is not an actual download link.

So in order for the URL to go directly to the desired file, you are going to make one change.

Replace www.dropbox.com with dl.dropboxusercontent.com

This will give you a URL that looks like this:

https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ry6j61wpf2ugemi/App-Website-Icon-Template.psd

Now you can use that link to display content or as a download link from your “Thank You Page” for your bonus downloads.

Like I said before I am using this process to create Dropbox direct download links for any of my templates or other resources for people to download them.

Hope this has helped you!
