Welcome to the Tool Box

Welcome to my Resource Center. This is simply a curated list of the tools, services & websites that I recommend for your online journey.  If you are seeing a recommendation on this page I personally have used the website/product/service myself.  

Before I jump into the resources below I need to give you an important disclosure.

Some of the links you will find inside of this page are affiliate links.  That means that if you choose to make a purchase, based on my recommendation, I will earn a commission.  In no way does this cost you anything.  These “affiliate links” are part of my business and just like you, I need to pay my bills, but more important, I want to be sure to give you the only the best recommendations & will never recommend anything I won’t use myself.

Domain Registration, Hosting & Other Website Needs


This is my secondary hosting company. But, this is where I register ALL of my new domains. This is my reseller account for GoDaddy so you get the same awesome service for domain registration

inmotion website hosting logo for webdesign page

InMotion Hosting

This is my primary hosting company. They currently host about 85% of my websites for myself and my clients. They are a great company and have fast SSL servers that will load your website really fast.